With one phone number and one IP address how many Gmail accounts can be created

With one phone number and one IP address how many Gmail accounts can be created

What is Gmail and how to use it

Some may ask what is a Gmail account?

Gmail is an email service

The user account is used in the process of teaching, studying and exchanging messages formally between two or more parties

What are the services that Gmail allows access to?

Email generally allows users to access all Google services, according to an official statement from Google itself

One Gmail account can access all Google services

This service is completely free

The accounts offer a high storage space of 15 GB and can be increased with a nominal amount

The site saves messages automatically in order to keep them from getting lost

Messages can be categorized and sorted to suit the user

Sending a message can be undone 30 seconds after sending it

There is time for ready responses

The ability to translate within Gmail itself, all that and more

Some users, for some reason, want to have more than one account to take advantage of these and other features

This option is possible, so in this article we will highlight the number of accounts that can be created with one phone number

how many Gmail accounts can be created with one number ?

Google allows users to have four different Gmail accounts on the same phone number or the same IP address

The company requires the user in the process of creating accounts to verify the phone number to ensure proper service

Also, it does not require a special and different browser for each email, which means they can all run on the same browser and change between computers easily.

This number is generally not large, all users these days need at least one or two accounts

Is there a way to create multiple accounts?

Yes, of course ,There is a very easy way to create multiple accounts without having to change the name drastically, for example the user has an account named Abcd@gmail.com

He is the official owner of the name Abcd, which means another account can be created with the name Abcd.one@gmail.com and Abcd.two@gmail.com

Thus, this means that any word can be added after the user's keyword to have another account with the same name.

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